Why Inner Connections?
“With the help of the intensive coaching and supportive environment at Inner Connections ‘ Coaching House, our son has grown from an angry, sullen teenager into a communicative, happy young man. He is now excited about his life and its possibilities. His self-esteem has grown and he is moving forward in positive directions. Our whole family has benefited in better communication skills from the teleclass parent coaching which was offered as part of the program. Since our son did not feel ready to come home after attending a 3 month emotional growth program, Inner Connections was a great follow up support for his transition to independent living. Living at the Coaching House has allowed him to learn from his efforts, to express himself, to take leadership and to grow on his own. Thank you.”
“I sent my son Joshua to Inner Connections to help him find himself after years of watching him slide into depression and self medicating behavior. Within just a few short weeks of working with Chris and his staff, I heard my son sounding like a different person. Some of the confidence was back. He sounded excited about life. The first time Josh came home for a visit he was 30 lbs thinner and had a huge smile on his face. I all but cried. Several months into the program Josh went through a rough patch. Chris and his staff see this as an opportunity to do some powerful work. A crisis at Inner Connections is an opportunity to make great strides forward. It is truly an amazing thing to witness. Inner Connections has also been terrific for me as a parent and man. I have learned a lot about myself and how I can be a better father to both of my sons. I cannot say enough about how happy I am that we chose Chris and Inner Connections for our son. I feel that I have given my son the opportunity to achieve a level of happiness and success that otherwise may have been lost.”
“My wife and I brought our son to Chris Cotton and Inner Connections with some reservations. He had just completed a five-month program at an excellent therapeutic and emotional growth school, where he received his high school diploma. The counselors at the school as well as our educational consultant strongly recommended Inner Connections and said that there was not another program like it. Our primary concern was that it was so far away. We had several conversations with Chris and a visit to Keene before we agreed that this was the transition that our son needed; however, we left the final decision to our son. Chris met with our son and described Inner Connections’ purpose and mission. We are thankful every day that our son decided that he should go to Inner Connections. Chris Cotton is an extremely compassionate person and relates well to young adults. Our son was able to take the life and coping skills that he acquired at the emotional growth school and apply them to the real world at Inner Connections. Our son has become a confident and self-directed young adult with good values. We plan to continue the “Inner Connections Experience” through distance coaching.”
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Photo credit: Jake Ingle